Slavische Philologie - Slavistik




Gastvortrag von Luba Golburt (Berkeley)

"Russian Nature Lyric, Short Forms: Tiutchev, Mandelstam, Glazova"

05.06.2019 16:00 Uhr – 18:00 Uhr

Das Institut für Slavische Philologie lädt ein zum

Gastvortrag von Luba Golburt (Berkeley)

„Russian Nature Lyric, Short Forms: Tiutchev, Mandelstam, Glazova“

WANN: Mittwoch, 05.06.2019, 16:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
WO: LMU, Hauptgebäude, Raum E 318

How might one write a history of the nature lyric in Russia? Drawn from a larger project that attempts precisely such a history, this talk outlines one of its central threads: the short lyric form with the somewhat downplayed or diffused lyric subject, associated in the Russian lyrical tradition with Fedor Tiutchev, but recently renewed, as Golburt argues, in the work of the contemporary poet, Anna Glazova. Positing brevity as a constitutive category for a particular kind of lyric engagement with nature, the talk presents three case studies of poets who, while drawing on very different sources in natural science and philosophy, share specific philosophical preoccupations with poetry as a form of cognition.

Der Vortrag findet im Rahmen des Forschungskolloquiums von Prof. Dr. Riccardo Nicolosi statt.
Berkeley-Lecture im Rahmen der Forschungskooperation zwischen der UC Berkeley und der LMU.

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