Slavische Philologie - Slavistik




Gastvortrag von Dmitri Sitchinava

Typologically important features of the Ukrainian language researched in historical and dialect corpora


Das Institut für Slavische Philologie lädt ein zum

Gastvortrag von Dmitri Sitchinava:
Typologically important features of the Ukrainian language researched
in historical and dialect corpora

WANN: Dienstag, 15.11.2022, 18:00 bis 20:00 Uhr
WO: E 318
Der Gastvortrag findet Hybrid statt.

The Ukrainian language has morphosyntactical features of a typological relevance that are rarely mentioned even in typologically-oriented descriptions of the European area. They include, but are not limited to, differential object marking, future tense marking, relative clauses, and strategies of passivisation. These features call for a corpus-based research not only in a regionally-annotated corpus of Modern Ukrainian, but also in historical and dialect corpora, with
many of these still to be built. An overview of related challenges will be presented.

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