Gastvortrag von Mariia Shvedova
GRAC: a Reference Corpus of the Ukrainian Language with Regional Annotation
Das Institut für Slavische Philologie lädt ein zum
Gastvortrag von Mariia Shvedova:
"GRAC: a Reference Corpus of the Ukrainian Language with Regional Annotation"
WANN: Montag, 14.11.2022, 18:00 bis 20:00 Uhr
WO: E 318
Der Gastvortrag findet Hybrid statt.
The General Regionally Annotated Corpus of Ukrainian (GRAC; is a general-purpose reference corpus of Ukrainian and as such intended for a wide range of research tasks. In terms of structure, annotation and metadata it generally follows the model ofcexisting reference corpora such as the BNC. What sets GRAC apart from these corpora is the distinctive feature of regional markup.
The need for such markup follows from specific properties of standard Ukrainian: due to its complex history, Ukrainian exhibits significant regional variation which has not yet been systematically investigated on the basis of a large corpus. Taking this variation into account is both a challenge for any comprehensive research into Standard Ukrainian, and constitutes an object of inquiry in its own right. In this talk, we present and motivate the principles of regional markup
realized within GRAC and discuss issues of territorial representativity. We then present case studies of regional variation
of Ukrainian and discuss questions and difficulties that arise in this context.
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