Slavische Philologie - Slavistik




Gastvortrag von Chloë Kitzinger (Princeton)

“Arkady’s Overcoat: The ‘life of the majority’ in Dostoevsky”


Das Institut für Slavische Philologie lädt ein zum Gastvortrag von

Chloë Kitzinger (Princeton)
“Arkady’s Overcoat: The ‘life of the majority’ in Dostoevsky”

The paper explores Dostoevsky's ambitions for and anxieties about realist representation through the lens of his second-to-last novel, The Adolescent (Podrostok, 1875). Analyzing the novel's character-system, I argue that it reflects a radical experiment with the terms of realist characterization, but one that looks back enviously toward the more stable narrative world embodied, for Dostoevsky, by the novels of Leo Tolstoy.

Zeit: Mittwoch, 26.7.17, um 16-18 Uhr
Ort: LMU, HGB, Raum E 318

Der Vortrag findet im Rahmen des wissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums des Instituts für Slavische Philologie statt.

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